Sunday, December 25, 2016

Our UnSung Stories

Our UnSung Stories

The knowledge of a people's history impacts the growth, pride and cultural understanding of their place in a civilized society, without it the people are like a tree torn asunder and deprived of the nutritional value of its roots. This is the state of the descendants of slaves, a people devalued, plundered and robbed of their very essence of spirituality. Without the knowledge of an origin, spiritual foundation and true identity, how can a people determine their past, present or destiny?

Our connection to our history has been rationed out, watered down and strategically sifted through to keep us patronized and blind to the true facts of our magnificent and rich heritage. 

This blog is dedicated to restoring the omitted stories that were lost in history. Some you may be familiar with, some you may not.

The stories that will be provided here is a catalyst to begin to open up a dialogue and to share with your family, friends and especially the children so they will know they were not just slaves, but a people with a past worthy of celebration. I pray that you do not stop here but continue to seek the knowledge of our past, so you will be empowered to not allow society to dictate your worth, your spirituality and your sense of pride. There is power in the knowledge of self and it is our responsibility as a people to search for the truth and share it so there is not another man, woman or child among us succumbing to the negative lies and stereotypes that has been indoctrinated into us for centuries.

It is my hope if we are armed with the knowledge of our hidden and forgotten history we may find healing and an awakening that will motivate and encourage us to take pride in who we are and love each other as The Most High commanded us to do.


 The Valley of the Dry Bones

Ezekiel 37:11
Then He said to me, “Son of man, these bones are the whole house of Israel. They indeed say, ‘Our bones are dry, our hope is lost, and we ourselves are cut off.

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